QuestionI recently bought a package of lentils. The front of the package states "80 calories per serving!" On the nutrition label, the serving size is 1/4 cup dry = 80 calories. Well, obviously I'm not going to eat the beans dry, so I took the exact serving size (1/4 cup) and added water to it to cook it. The lentils then expanded with cooking and when cooked it comes out to 1/2 cup cooked. Is the calorie content still 80 calories? Or, would it be more? I only added water to the 1/4 cup dry serving, so I am assuming that the calorie content would still be the same, but I would like to make sure since the cooked portion = 1/2 cup. Thank you!
AnswerHello KM!
Thank you for your nutrition question. There are no calories in water so it would not change the calorie content of the beans. It only changes your serving size. The caloric count is based on 1/4 c of dry beans because people cook them for more or less time which could change the dry measurement of the beans cooked(cups of cooked). If you started with 1/4 c dry it will still be 80 calories.
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