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Is fried foods in Canola oil healthy?

I like fried boneless wings.  If I fry them in canola oil are they healthier?  Also, about how much oil ends up in the wings  when all is said and done?  I do weight watchers and need serving sizes, just wondering how much oil is in a pound of fried chicken.  Thanks for you time.

Hello John!

Thank you for your nutrition question. As with deep frying anything, it's probably unhealthy if you eat it everyday and no matter what type of oil you use.

1. You're adding extra fat into your diet.
2. High heats can cause oils to break down... decreasing the benefits of the "good" oils.

Eating it occasionally probably won't hurt you... especially if you're a vegetarian.

For more answers to your nutrition questions check out www.planetyorgos.com

-George Rapitis, MS
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