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Losing muscle mass?

Hi Nevil,
First of all, I want to say I really appreciate you volunteering your time to help others =] Anyways, I'm a 17 year old female and I seem to have a bit of a dillema on my hands. My heritage is asian, so I'm pretty small compared to others. However, my thighs have alot of muscle on them, and I was wondering if it was possible to lose muscle mass? I can't afford diet changes because my mother controls what I eat and she thinks my thighs are beautiful, haha and I know I should love myself regardless, but I can't even go jean shopping without feeling horrible about myself. Is it possible to lose muscle mass? It's very awkward living and walking with short legs and alot (by alot I mean, as much as a boy, or more) of muscle on them. I love the muscle...but it's a little much and gets in the way. Thank you!

Hi Maggie,

I wouldn't go the route of losing muscle mass as that will drop your energy and metabolism and you'll find you'll put on fat a lot easier.

Your best option would be to increase the cardio exercise as this will 'lean out' your muscle. Obviously running is the best option.

And finally, never drop your food intake of lean fish and chicken and veg when exercising otherwise your body will again drop energy and put on fat. You may even find that the bulk on your legs may be due to excess fat carried through the muscle and the above measures should get rid of that over time.

All the best

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