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Low Carb Diet

What exactly would make a "low carb" diet?   I know certain fruits are considered carbs, so does that mean you can't eat fruit?  But then others say more fruits and veggies.   Please give an example of what a low carb diet would be.
thank you.

Technically, low carb means a diet that is low in grains, fruits, milk, sugar (these are all carbs).    Veggies are carbs too, but they are fibrous carbs and generally are not really considered as a carb when it comes to low carb diets (although some diets are very strict, and will even limit your veggie intake).   Low carb diet entails eating protein, fat, and vegetables, and limiting grains, high-carb veggies (carrots), fruits, milk, etc.    
I generally don't support low carb diets because they are very unrealistic in terms of weight loss, and they can lead to nutritional deficiencies if you don't know what you are doing.   Also, it tends to make people feel that they can consume unlimited amts of fats, both healthy and saturated fats, which too much of either will lead to weight gain.       Your best bet is to follow a moderate carb diet, which includes portioned amts of complex carbs spread out throughout the day (25g per serving), and includes anywhere from 3-5 servings per day.   Avoid simple sugars, and concentrate on eating lots of veggies, moderate lean protein 100 g per day, moderate carbs (100-150g per day), and low fat (less then 25-30 g total).    I know what the recommendations say, but those are general recommendations for the population, and are certainly not the amt you want to consume if you want to lose weight.  
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