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Is McDonalds Southwest salad healthy?

I hve recently decided to go on a diet and have started power 90x.
my question is: is eating the southwest salad from mcdonalds healthy to lose
weight or should I stop eating it. I eat it everyday, only once a day though.
I don't put on the dressing becuase I know that its bad for you.
thnx for the help!
ps. I highly recommend it!  

Hi Warren,

Any salad made of fresh vegetables is healthy. As to the dressing thing, it's not always bad for you, depending on what's in it and what diet you are on. If you watch carbohydrates, good fats in oils like olive and tree nut oils are very good. If, however, you watch fats, the dressing can be made of lemon juice and herbs, etc.

Please take a look at nutrition facts about McDonald's popular menu items including the salad you recommend :)


Tanya Zilberter
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