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Protein Supplementation

Although I currently work as a nutrition consultant at a gym, sports nutrition is something a bit new to me. As many others in the field I have e much stronger background in clinical dietetics. I was seeking another opinion on what to look for when purchasing (or recommending) protein shakes. I realize that you want the protein yield to be high while still maintaining a reasonable kcal content as well as a high BCC-EAA profile. Does any one have specific numbers or guidelines for this. Or possibly a list of acceptable brands?

Jennifer, I would ask this question through the dietetics community or the rdusa yahoo group.  Do you belong to those?  I usually recommend a whey protein and have a specific brand I use and like but I don't have a list.  Good idea, though.  If you don't belong to a listserv, let me know and I'll pose the question for you.

Also, feel free to email me at [email protected]

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