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Food sources of Vitamin B12

Hi Tanya! I have been diagnosed by the VA Adminstration as being defecient in B-12. I have sever food allergies that limit severly what I can eat. What foods have high levels of b-12 (naturally)? I do not like liver. Livermush? I even react to B-12 vitamins. Thanks, Bill

Hi Bill,

Vitamin B12 is essential for the brain, nervous system and blood but it participates in functioning of all cells of the body including DNA and fatty acid metabolism as well as and energy production. Of course you know these facts about B12 but for those who can also be interested, I just wanted to mention how important it is.

Vitamin B12 cannot be made by animals or plants but bacteria have the enzymes needed for its synthesis. Animals and plants can only store it in their tissues. Animals can do it better so their tissues contain more of the vitamin than plants. Excellent sources of vitamin B12 are therefore limited to animal foods.

Very good sources of vitamin B12 include seafood, meat, poultry, eggs (but B12 from eggs is not well absorbed), milk, and milk products.

Seafood is your best choice: only 3 ounces of can provide 1,400 percent RDA but wild trout is good enough: 3 os can almost cover your daily needs(90 percent RDA)

See more on vitamin B12 sources:


Tanya Zilberter

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