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losing weight with type 1 diabetes

Hi I just turned 32, I've been diabetic since I was 6. I weighted myself today and at 5'6 I'm 180 lbs. How did I let this happen and more importantly how can I lose it? My last A1C ws 7.1.  I have a treadmill which I use 35 mins/day 5 days a week. I walk everywhere and eat right. My thyroid check was fine so why aren't I losing any weight?

Queene, well sometimes when you have type 1 diabetes, you can also have some insulin resistance like type 2's.  Weight loss is a challenge for everyone, especially those that have diabetes.  You might consider reducing your calories, increasing your exercise.  There's also bios life slim, which I am recommending to anyone that wants to lose weight or improve their blood sugars.  Watch this short video:


Good luck to you!

Jennifer Birge,RD
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