QuestionI am 18, 200 pounds, 5'11, and 15% body fat. What can you tell me to do so i
can lose about 20-30 pounds? Yesterday i started to just have one small meal
a day and jog 2.5 miles which takes me about 25-29 mintues and i weightlift
for 40 mintues...IS what i am doing now enough? is it the correct way? if not
please tell me steps i should do everyday so i can lose the weight
If your figures are correct then there is no way you can lose 20-30 pounds without losing some muscle. I would take a bet that your body fat is actually a lot higher.
So, either you have a lot of heavy muscle or your fat percentage machine is broken!
And eating just 1 meal a day will send your body into starvation mode and will cling onto fat like there was no tomorrow!
Eat 3 good meals with snacks inbetween. Make sure they are protein based and fresh (not ready meals or take outs). Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. When you add this to your workout schedule you'll notice a change for the best..and remember, your body can ob]nly get to the best IT can be.
All the best
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