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weight problem

hi,i am 21 year old girl,my weight is 59 kg.my height is 5 feet 5 inches.i want to reduce my weight,can i drink cold milk without sugar twice a day?

Hi Aisha,

Your weight is, scientifically, just fine.
But if you'd like to lose a kg or two the best way would be to cut out sugary foods and desserts, or do a bit more exercise.

Milk is good for you.  Do they have low fat milk where you live?  Skim milk?  This could save you 100 calories per glass and you could lose 1 kg by the next month if that is the only thing you change--switching from 3% fat sweetened milk to 1% milk without flavoring added.

Whether or not you lose weight is a total effect of all the things you eat and all the activities you do during the day.  Milk alone will not have an effect.  
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