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Nutrition pills for people over 50 years of age.

This is about the vitamin and mineral pills that are said to be for people over 50 years of age.
- Is it safe for younger adults to take them?
- What is the real difference between the pills marketed for adults (without concern of age, other than the user being of adult age) and these other that are marketed for senior people?
That's all. Thank you for your time.

Yes its safe the biggest difference is simply the label. Its just the marketing thats different I know many people on the inside and usually the only difference between say a seniors multi, a regular, a prenatal etc is just a pretty label. maybe int he seniors they drop the iron which for AN MAN is good taking a non iron vitamin as long as you eat meat, and maybe they add more calcium which is a good thing for everyone as well.

They are perfectly fine. But get your vitamins as much as you can from eating real whole foods,

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