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i dont know what to do!

I am 14 years old, going to be 15 in October, and i wanna lose
20 lbs or more. I am 5 feet tall (maybe a little taller) and i
weigh about 145. I will work at it for months as long as i see
some results or know for a fact that i will lose the weight. I
wanna know what exercises and food i should eat.

For specific information and step-by-step guidelines on how to lose weight and be healthy, visit my web site for all kinds of details about proper diet, nutrition, exercise, weight-lifting routines, and more.

Most importantly, make sure to download my FREE eBook, "Rick's 18 Tips for Healthy Weight Loss."

Richard Rost

P.S. As a disclaimer, I'm not a doctor or health professional. Please seek the advice of your doctor before implementing any of my recommendations.

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