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Bodybuilding w/ high cholesterol

I am 40 years old with high cholesterol and borderline high blood pressure.  I lift weights and would like to body build.  However, I just learned about the cholesterol and blood pressure.  My old high protein diet of meat, fish and chicken is now out.  I have found some protein powder with low sat. fat and no cholesterol but that alone won抰 get it.  How can I loose body fat and get big with my new diet limitations?  Is there a book out there for bodybuilding with high cholesterol?


how a balanced approac
Hi Richard,

Best to use protein powder that has pure soy protein or a mix of soy/whey protein.
The next step is to combine it with a nutritionally balanced shake that contains the good fats/carbs and vitamins/minerals your body needs.

Eating lean meats/poultry and especially fish will not make your cholesterol worse. You need to have a balanced food and water intake and then your body will automatically correct itself.

By taking out the meat/fish/chicken you are robbing yourself of some essential nutrition.

Avoiding lots of saturated fats from butters, spreads, dressings, and frying food, is the biggest way to help your diet.

I have attached some images of our products and if need more info just let me know where to email it.

All the best
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