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Put on my Weight

Hello Doctor,

I am bhawna from India, I have a baby of Nine months and after his birth I have gained some weight specially my Tummy and my triceps.
Now I am 56kg and my height is 5 ft. Please suggest me how can I reduce my weight.

Thanks Bhawna

Hi Bhawna,

I'm not a doctor but I am a certified weight management consultant. I can definitely give you a few suggestions on how to lose weight:

1. Drink 2-5 cups green tea every day because it increases your metabolism.

2. The best way to tone your triceps is swimming. The second best way is to lift small weight, about 3-5 lbs for triceps exercise.

3. Eat foods that are big in volume but low in calories. You can better understand this concept by watching this video:

(cut & paste to your browser)

Best wishes,
Linda Yo
Certified Weight Consultant
Author of Asian Slim Secrets

"If you are ready to become slim, trim,
energized and healthier using the
ancient wisdom of Asia, read this book
and use it now."

Mark Victor Hansen,
co-creator the #1 NY Times Best-selling Series
Chicken Soup for the Soul  
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