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Whey protein

QUESTION: I have two questions

1)I go to gym everyday. I take normal protein shake with soya powder added.  Will it help to improve my muscles ?

2)Is "Whey protein" supplement is good for health. I have heard lot of negative feedback about it. As it effect liver & kidney

3) Should i really take whey protein or the normal protein soya shake?

ANSWER: Dear Janak, What you drink is personal preference, it should not matter that much. Protein is protein and most supplements contain good sources of it. Whey protein is a dairy product and not tolerated by all that drink it. Protein foods and supplements are filtered by the kidneys and as long as you drink sufficient fluid during the day, you should not have a problem. If your normal protein shake with soy added is working for you, then stick with it. If you are lifting weights and breaking down muscle tissue, then you need protein to rebuild those muscles bigger and stronger. You can eat your protein, by eating chicken, fish, and beef, or drink it with the protein supplement. Hope that helps, Laura Kraemer,Slimkids.com

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the reply!

No, i am a vegetarian & i don't eat egg, chicken or meat.
Should I go for a whey protein?
If i go, will it damage anything in my body?
Will it cause any damage?

Dear Janak, I have not heard about any studies that show whey is a dangerous supplement to take. Perhaps you should ask the person or the original source of the negative feedback regarding whey, where they got their information. Ask them their source and look up the studies yourself.  Whey protein is a main staple supplement for the bodybuilding crowd, and as far as I know it's Ok to take. Hope that helps, Laura Kraemer,Slimkids.com
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