Is that a can of beer you are holding?
You look like a younger version of my husband. He isnt 'chubby' fat but has a big belly.
He actually eats pretty healthy and doesnt over eat, and gets a lot of exercise.
BUT, he drinks a lot with his buddies.Mostly beer, but some liquor.
Also, when he drinks, he drinks a lot, not just one or two.
Is this what is causing the belly?
AnswerUPDATE: Are you serious? Why did you rate my answer with all "1"s? I answered your question! Wow.
Yep. Beer is one of the worst things you can eat or drink. The "Beer Belly" is not a myth.
For specific information and step-by-step guidelines on how to lose weight and be healthy, visit my web site for all kinds of details about proper diet, nutrition, exercise, weight-lifting routines, and more.
Most importantly, make sure to download my FREE eBook, "Rick's 18 Tips for Healthy Weight Loss."
Richard Rost
P.S. As a disclaimer, I'm not a doctor or health professional. Please seek the advice of your doctor before implementing any of my recommendations.
I hope this information helps to solve your problem. If there is ANY REASON why you won't give me a RATING of 10 please let me know so I can improve upon my answers in the future. Thank you!
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