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best for you

hi, could you tell me please,
which if any are best for you, Fresh Fruit  or  Tin/Canned Fruit ?
 i ask because i love fruit, and eat it every day, but can not always get to the shops / stores, so i have tinned fruit in my cupboard for those times
 also  - are there more  Calories in  tinnned fruit - without having the  juices in the tin, -  than  fresh  fruit ???
 kindess regards carol

Dear Carol,
I do the same!  Fresh fruits contain more fiber because of the skin on them, so they're a little better for you in that regard.  Some packed fruits add sugar in addition to the juice, so just check the label for fruits packed in their own juice only.  Tinned fruit is an excellent back-up plan and it's always in season ;)
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