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Fat loss more effeciently

Hello, I am trying to lose lots of weight. I was 192-198 lbs and have lost alot of weight and currently weigh 170 lbs and stand 5-6. I have no health issues to include cholesterol. I have lost weight to include muscle via exercise and calorie restriction, anaerobic exercise, etc, etc. Now that I'm getting closer to my weight of 160 lbs I want to know how to efficiently and focus on losing fat vs. muscle. I have have lost alot of upper body weight. What I am asking is how does someone exercise for Fat loss vs. using carbs for fuel for exercise? Is the jogging more efficient or sprinting, anaerobic exercise (jumping rope etc. I understand to limit calories, and anaerobic exercise is great but for burning fat as fuel, how do I do this? thanks.

Dear Larry,

Congratulations on the weight you've lost!
I'm not sure why you would have lost upper body weight (I assume you refer to muscle) as you were exercising. Usually people lose muscle weight because they do not use their muscles, and also because they do not eat enough protein.
Be sure you are getting a decent number of calories each day, and a good balance of nutrients as you approach 160 pounds (I would estimate at least 1600-1800 calories would meet your needs and still allow weight loss).
The body uses a mixture of fuel when calories are burned in exercise.  Most of the fat loss comes after extended periods of exercise; jogging or biking is much more efficient for fat loss than sprinting or jumping rope. After about 20-30 minutes the mixture of energy burned turns largely to fat.
Best of luck to you on your continued journey to a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle!

Laurie Beebe, MS,RD
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