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I need to increase my energy levels!

Hello..i am 25, married for two years and have a 15 months old baby. I happen to be a business person , and i also am about to finish MS in economics very soon.From dawn to dusk, i have to stay so much preoccupied, i have to attend my classes and later on ,rush to my work place and work late-working late is a part of my everyday schedules.After my baby was just born, i had a weight of 60 kg; but now i weigh exactly 50 kg,also i have been noticing that for the last few months i am always feeling tired.In fact, i ended up with dark circles with my eyes and other skin problems,my exhaustion shows in my face absolutely and i always feel so exhausted.I do not follow a strict regime when it comes to food, i eat whenever i am hungry and tend to skip meals at times,when i am really in a hurry, i suppose i really require an expert's advice and develop a diet which will provide me with proper nutrition so that i feel energetic and have a better healthy life.

Thank you for contacting allexperts.com. I hope that I can assist you with your question.

In order to have energy, you must obtain it from the food that you eat.  All of the activity in our body is created on a cellular level. All of the muscle action, even our heartbeat and respiration is dependant upon the energy that is created by the electrons in our cells.  Without this energy, our bodies cannot move and function properly, and we are tired and fatigued.

Unfortunately, we cannot obtain "energy" from consuming dead organisms.  We must eat living foods to obtain this much-needed energy this translates into eating living foods.  Living foods can be defined as natural, unprocessed, raw fruits and vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts and plant-based oils.

Many people do not eat the right kinds of foods to maintain health.  Eating processed foods will bring your energy level down.  Also, even if you eat good, wholesome foods, the vitamin level has been greatly reduced in much of the produce that is in the grocery stores these days due to over-farming.  It is almost certain that you should be supplementing your diet with vitamins. Purchasing a good supplement from a health food store will assist you in obtaining the much-needed nutrients that your body needs to function properly.

I strongly suggest that you review your diet and start to incorporate more fresh, unprocessed vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, seeds and plant-based oils.  Ideally, your diet should consist of 75 percent of these types of foods and only 25 percent cooked foods.  Eating sprouts is an ideal way to incorporate living foods into your diet.  If you begin to eat in this manner you will see that your energy level will increase dramatically in a very short period of time.

For more information on this subject, as well as others, please visit my blog at http://everydayhealthandwellness.blogspot.com

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