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Running for an absolute beginner

I haven't really ran before and I recently decided to try.
But I noticed that after a few seconds of running, I have some kind of gag reflex, and I have to stop to cough.

I have not exercised much recently, but I've never had this problem before. Is it because I'm not eating healthy enough?
If you could list a couple causes that would be great.


This might be due to too abrupt start of running, either without proper warmup or without gradual increase of workload (or both). Check your fitness level (for example, here: go to http://bantadiet.com/banta/Day-1.html and click on the link CALCULATORS.

Depending on your level, you might want to choose a walking program at http://bantadiet.com/banta/Day-2.html -- then, upon improving your level (check every other week!), start alternating walking with jogging to your level of tolerance. Next step can be a continuous jogging, and nest step - alternating jogging with running, and finally, you can have your an all-running routine!

Hope it helps,

Tanya Zilberter
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