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Chronic Acid Reflux

Dear Tasha,

I hope you could help me. I'm 34, average build, living in New York City and doing the best I can in terms of what to eat. I'm also unemployed, but I'm a student. I've had Acid Reflux or heartburn for a very long time. There was a time where I used to belch and pass gas almost chronically. After treating it with Pepcid AC and Mylanta for too long, I finally went to my doctor and he gave me a prescription for Prilosec- which made a huge difference. The Prilosec has run out and so I wake up in the middle of the night with this hot discomfort in my chest and throat. Sometimes it's hard to get back to sleep.

I'm starting to worry that this might harm me physically in the long run. What's happening to me? What are the irritants that cause this problem? How can I treat the problem and not the symptoms?

Thank you so much for your time.



Thank you for contacting allexperts.com. I hope that I can assist you with your question.

Contrary to what conventional medicine might indicate, acid reflux or GERD is caused by insufficient acid in the stomach.  I know that is incredibly hard to believe but it is correct.  Although taking acid-neutralizing medications seems to have an immediate benefit, in the long run, they simply cause your body to create more acid in an effort to counteract their effects and it becomes a vicious cycle, as you have discovered.

As for the condition, I am afraid that it can be very harmful in the long term.  It can cause permanent changes in your esophagus and unfortunately has been shown to be a possible cause of cancer.  The constant irritation of stomach acids is very damaging. It would certainly be in your best interest to get the problem cleared up.

If you do a search online for "natural cures to acid reflux" there is not a lot to choose from.  Some of the suggestions are to eat smaller meals, avoid strenuous activity after eating, avoid laying down for three hours after eating, etc.  One treatment that I have found very beneficial is to drink a cup of warm water containing one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar sweetened with honey to taste immediately prior to eating.  The addition of this acid helps reduce the formation of acid in the stomach.

Stress also seems to be a factor.  Stressful conditions can cause the stomach to contract and push acid and other contents up through the sphincter muscle of the esophagus causing the acid reflux.  In today's busy world, it is difficult to not be stressed out, I understand.  But perhaps working toward stress management might be beneficial for you.  Perhaps meditation or reading the Bible (or your religious doctrine of choice), after eating will assist you in maintaining a stress-free environment.  You might also consider yoga or other exercise at other times (not after dinner, of course), to assist you in burning off stress.  This will not only be beneficial for your acid reflux but also other physical conditions an mental outlook as well.

I would also recommend avoiding all dairy products since they cause mucus which can interfere with the digestive process.  Dairy products are the number one cause of dietary allergies and your GERD may be an allergic reaction.  Humans are the only mammal that drinks milk after they are weaned and the components of milk, such as protein and other nutrients, are not readily available to mature adults, despite what advertising campaigns would have you believe.  Also, commercial milk contains hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals which are very harmful.

Also, I recommend that if you are eating a lot of processed foods that you replace them with whole, natural, unprocessed fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and vegetable oils.  Processed foods contain a lot of chemical additives which can be irritating to the stomach resulting in digestive issues.  

But my first recommendation is to try the apple cider vinegar and honey treatment.  That may be all you need to alleviate your problem.  Best of luck. Feel free to contact me any time.

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