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cheat day?

Dear Mr. Watson,

I'm training gymnastics and trying to lose body fat by incorporating sprinting and sensible diet.

My question is would a cheat day every other week really negatively affect my goals?



I never understood what a "cheat?day meant personally. I assume you mean just eating some junk food on 1 day. If you incorporate a sensible diet most days, then you can have a treat or snack each day. But generally if the total weekly calories are the correct type for overall body fat loss, then you should be ok to have a treat on 1 day.

It is better to train for a new lifestyle that is to incorporate a treat in each day that fits in with the overall calorie amount for the day, that way you don't have to have 21 day when you deviate from your normal diet. If it is incorporated into the daily regimen all the time, then it is less of a problem to keep changing your diet around.


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