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My doctor isnt very helpfull with my IBS. All he has recommended is eat more fibre and take acidophilus. I was doing that already.
I have just completed stage three of my elimination diet. Stge 1 was meat, stage 2 was fruits and veggies. Eliminating them made no difference.
I am now eliminating carbohydrates. I have lost body fat but the huge 'pregnant belly' (I'm not) remains. I wonder if its the type of carb that I have a problem with? I was eating weight watchers reduced carbohydrate bread. I bought some gluten free bread and had toast for breakfast yesterday. I had no discomfort at all and this morning didnt have the usual slight nausea.
I am thinking if I dont have full blown celiac (I was tested) maybe I have wheat intolerance?

Dear Vanessa,

Thank you for contacting allexperts.com I hope that I can assist you with your question.

I believe that a large majority of IBS and celiac disease is misdiagnosed. If you were my patient and came to me for help and advice I would recommend a yeast free or candida free diet.  A very large majority of disorders that are misdiagnosed in this country are a result of yeast overgrowth in the body.  Because of the unbelievably high amount of sugar that is consumed in this country on a daily basis, yeast overgrowth is a huge issue.  It causes countless symptoms which mimic IBS as well as a host of other problems.  There is a great deal of speculation that cancer may be connected to yeast since scientific studies have shown that cancer feeds on sugar in the same manner that yeast does.  There have been no definitive decisions on this.

You might want to do some reading on Doug Kauffmann who has done a great deal of research on the subject and believes that yeast overgrowth is responsible for many diseases and disorders that plague modern man. I cannot say that I agree with everything he says 100 percent, but he does make some very valid points.  If you wish to pursue this further you can go to Mr. Kauffmann's website http://www.knowthecause.com and draw your own conclusions.

I think that trying a yeast free diet will most probably give you the results you are looking for.  Best of luck to you and feel free to contact me any time.

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