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Isnt it silly?

How can so many people suggest you do not drink water with meals (considering water is alkaline) or combine starches with protein, when they strongly suggest you combine vegetables with anything?

Considering vegetables (in my case mostly green salad) are really alkaline and surely need an alkaline medium to be digested (just like starches considering the medium and, well, like water considering the alkalinity), doesn't that mean it's as absurde to consume vegetables with protein as to consume starch and meat during the same meal - well according to the idea you shouldn't consume starch and protein during the same meal?

Thank you kindly for taking the time to answer my question.


This seems more like a statement than a question. I am not clear what your question is?

In my opinion it is just fine to eat mixed meals and we should. We are built for such tasks. As for the water I'm good with that to it will somewhat slow some of the digestion process of some foods but that isn't a bad thing for us to have nice slowed steady sources of energy and of course above all we need a highly hydrated body.

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