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I'm a 59 yr. old male and 6 months ago became vegetarian. I lost 6-8 pounds and I wasn't at all overweight to being with. I know which foods can help with this, but what about the drink Ensure? Would that be a good option for me to help gain back some weight?

Hello lele,

I hope you are feeling better from the change in your diet. People do not necessarily lose weight by eliminating meat--I wonder if you started eliminating other foods that you felt were less than healthy (junk foods?)

You should be able to eat enough food to gain the weight back. Consider eating a bit more at meals, including nuts in your diet, or finding ways to use healthy oils (fats have twice as many calories as carbs).

If you are happy with your diet but would just like to gain weight, ensure is a fine choice. Any brand will work the same and add about 250 calories per serving and about 8-10 grams of protein. One serving per day should help you put on about 2 pounds a month. For more weight gain, you can drink more (2 cans a day), make a milk shake with ice cream and ensure, or choose the higher calorie varieties (ensure plus, boost plus). Carnation Instant breakfast is also a good choice--it may be less expensive and more convenient to store if you get the powder you add to your own milk.
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