QuestionQUESTION: Hi,
I was recently diagnosed with acid reflux and a couple of months later, found out my gallbladder needed to be removed. Doctors thought this might take care of acid reflux. It has reduced the problem from me taking 60 mg of acid reducer ( blocker) to I'm a day. I was completely healthy had no problems until about 3 months ago. I work out 3-4 times a week and do stretching. Have been for about 10 years and eat lots of veggie, fruit and protein. I have stopped eating gluten and feel much better and trying to cut down on dairy. I have one cup of low acid coffee a day, one diet coke and tons of water. I have a couple of glasses of wine about 2 times a week. How can I get to the point of stop taking this medicine? Thank you!
Proteins are digested by acids, carbs by alkalines, when they are trying to work together they always fight. You can have a steak and a salad OR a baked potato and a salad, but you can't eat meat and potatoes at the same time. You can eat them in the same day, just not the same meal.
Some folks do better to have fresh fruit in the morning only.
Out with the soda, and some imported cheese once in a while, but not milk. see for more on dairy and for more on mixing carbs and proteins.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: So I was wondering about the protein. There are some "lists" out there with the acidic foods and alkline foods and protein in on the acidic list. Is proten acidic? Corn? Would 1 glass of regular iced tea be better than the diet coke? Or is it too acidic? Does alakline water work? Thank you so much.
AnswerTry the tea, the fewer chemicals one can't pronounce the better the odds that it is fit for a human. Sodas are not bad as cleaners, esp. bathrooms.
NO refined sugar or refined flour. The only sweetener without a rap sheet is stevia.
Protein is digested by acids.
The acid problem is probably the excess acid your body is making trying to digest a complicated mix of goodies.
Try not mixing groups. No pastrami sandwiches.
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