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Simple versus complex carbs and nutritional values of corn

Hi Tanya,

Is corn on the cob, canned corn considered a simple carbohydrate?  What type
of corn is considered a complex carbohydrate - corn meal as in corn tortillas,
tamales, corn bread?


Dear Angel, my simple answer is: none. Natural foods, including the carbohydrate-rich ones, practically never consist of simple carbohydrates and here's why:

Carbohydrates come in three different forms - sugars, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides - read entire article:

1. Sugars are glucose, galactose, fructose, table sugar sucrose, milk sugar lactose, and sugar alcohols (Sorbitol, mannitol)

2. Oligosaccharides you can see an some nutrition labels of food packages. They are: are maltodextrins, raffinose, stachyose, fructo-oligosaccharides

3. Polysaccharides are starches (including modified starches) as well as cellulose of food fibers, pectins in fruits and berries, etc.

The more complex carbohydrates the better they are for your health. Simple carbohydrates such as sugar and refined white flour can cause such problems as obesity and diabetes. Recently is became known complex carbohydrates are to blame for high blood pressure and even some kinds of cancer.

Read more:

Nutrition facts for one cup raw corn

Glucose, starches, etc.
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