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Fish Skin and Cholesterol

When I cook salmon and trout on the grill, I frequently eat the crispy skin.  Does fish skin, like poultry skin, contain high levels of cholesterol?

This is an interesting question, John. Because yes, there is more of the fat just under the skin of fish, just as there is for chicken. And, while the cholesterol content is not a lot lower in some fish compared to chicken or lean beef, it appears that fish oil has some qualities that can actually help lower a person's blood cholesterol level.
You are getting the best source of fish oil--the real deal instead of capsules!
If you do need to limit your cholesterol intake, just be aware that with every ounce of meat, fish or chicken, you are taking in another 30 milligrams or so of cholesterol. Even something that's "good for you" in a reasonable (3-5 oz) serving size can become quite unhealthy in larger amounts.
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