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teen weight

hi. I am Courtney and I'm a female, age 13. I weight 127 pounds. I was wondering if that was average for my age. I am about 5'6". I play basketball. I play for the hight school. I don't look "fat" but I do have a tiny tummy. I just about a week ago decided to eat healthier and watch my calories. so I don't eat chips and only drink diet sodas. I wanted to know if you could help me with this. give me some tips or pointers on this. I really just want to have a flat stomach. thank you so much

Dear Courtney, you of normal weight for your height. Don't go on a diet just continue to cut out the empty snack calories like you are doing. To lose the belly, you have to firm the muscles below the belly with sit-ups. Try to do 50 sit-ups everyday. Just toning the muscle below will flatten the abds. Hope that helps, Laura Kraemer,Slimkids.com
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