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Carbohydrates, life span, calorie restriction and Juicing


Firstly, I apologize for sending my question that is not your specialty subject but I could not find anyone on Allexperts that could give me an answer.
I would appreciate your help very much.
It has been recently scientifically proven that carbohydrates shorten your Lifespan by making your body produce more insulin to mop up the extra blood sugar carbohydrates produce.
I am thinking of buying an expensive masticating juicer. Juicing allows you to consume an optimal amount of phytonutrients in an efficient manner. I have read that phytonutrients play an incredibly active role in helping us stay healthy, happy, fit and trim. They help our cells talk to each other, prevent mutations, are anti-inflammatory, serve as antioxidants and generally help us undo the damage we do to our body.
But just one glass of green juice will mean that you have to juice a lot of green kale or cabbage leaves which contain an average of 75% carbohydrates by weight.
So I am of 2 minds as to whether to juice green food since although you benefit from the phytonutrients, you will certainly not benefit by the amount of carbohydrates you could end up consuming.
My question is very simple.
Can you tell me whether juicing drastically lowers the amount of carbohydrates in green vegetables and fruit ?
Can you tell me whether your answer is an educated guess or whether you know that scientific evidence backs your answer please ?
Thank you.


One kilogram of raw kale contains 83.3 grams of carbohydrate, 17 grams of dietary fiber (83.3 minus 17 equals 66.3 g effective carbs) and 297 Kilocalories, so it's 71 percent of calories coming with carbohydrates, not as you put it "75% carbohydrates by weight".

Now, being a scientist myself, I am really curious about the source you refer to when you write "scientifically proven that carbohydrates shorten your Lifespan"! It's obligatory to scientific discussion to footnote any such statements and without given such a reference, I cannot responsibly discuss the matter.

What I am aware of is that our lifespan is greatly influenced by calorie restriction, reactive oxygen species scavenging and glycolysis restraint. Please use the below links should you decide to read about it.

Dietary restriction and life span

Calorie restriction


When gkycolysis is toxic

Finally, an opinion about juicing:

Tanya Zilberter
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