QuestionQUESTION: Hello, I have question regarding the food.
Im interested how is it good achievement,
to instead of bread, eat just corn flakes with low-calorys milk for breakfast and for dinner.
Also to avoid bread for lunch.
Thank you.
ANSWER: Dear Lion,
It depends on what you are trying to achieve, what bread you have in mind (white, whole-grain, bran, etc.). In any case, cornflakes don't look a good idea to concentrate on since they both are mostly "empty calories" - too little essential nutrients for a calorie of energy.
To see nutritional analysis of these foods, click here.
Tanya Zilberter
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you so a very fast answer !
I want loose weight, and i prefer faster options,
they are easyer to me.
The thing about bread vs corn flakes is, that
with bread i must eat something +.
So if corn flakes = bread it is still better because instead of
aditional food which go on bread or with bread in this case
i only use corn flakes+milk.
Do you suggest anything ?
Thank you very much.
AnswerI suggest that you avoid both. What you need, is a complete diet plan that decrease hunger and doesn't require too much counting. Try a free online program like Banta, there's a support group that'll help you to individualize the plan. Also, you can request the supporting eBooks (PDF formate). Read here how to do this. There's a plan including green tea.
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