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Frying with Canola Oil and other questions

I have two questions:

1. I saw that canola oil is actually pretty healthy (Eat, Drink and Be Healthy - Harvard's nutrition guide). It has only non-saturated and non-trans fats... However, my question is: If I deep fry something in canola oil, is it also still healthy? Or does the oil change forms?

2. I will be honest - the stuff I read about saturated fats is pretty scary: How much is recommended to eat per week? Also, what meat is low on saturated fats? Is chicken breast good? What about other chicken parts? Is there any red meat which is good?

Thank you!

Hi Dan

The problem with deep frying is the flash point of the oil. This is the point where oil breaks down and cancer causing free radicals are set free into your body when you consume them. Each type of oil has a certain temperature in which they can be used for a specific time frame safely without breaking down.

As for low fat meat any meat which is lean and baked, broiled, or grilled is not bad to have. Just remember to much of anything is to much. Eating in moderation is the key. The big problem with Red Meat is not because of the fat because all meat are fairly close in that respect. Actually Pork is lower in fat then chicken. The problem with Red Meat is the amount of time it takes to digest. Red meat tends to rot in your body before it is passed. The other issue with red meat is the hormones used and the antibiotics. If you eat red meat you should eat grass fed beef,that is lean. OOPs I forgot about how much fat you should eat, well the USDA.GOV site has a section that allows you to input your info and the computer will  calculate this number for you, by the answers you gave.

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