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Losing some weight

Good evening,I am a 16 year old girl, my height is 157cm and my weight is approximately 59 kg.I looked up online, my weight according to my height and I am not overweight, however, I am nearly on the borderline. Although I am not apparently overweight, I seem to have A LOT of body fat. It mainly stores in my arms, legs, hips and stomach area. If I pinch my stomach from just under my ribcage to the top of my pubic bone, there is a very large portion of fat - very roughly 8cm worth. The following are the measurements of parts of my body -
Wrist - 17cm
ankle - 23cm
bicep on my arm - 31cm
when sitting down, the measurement of my belly measured just underneath the belly button - 92cm
thigh - 58cm

Anyway, I think I do have an unusually large proportion of excess fat in my body which is quite worrying. I have nearly always had this amount of fat and it has come the time when I am determined to lose some of it(I have lots of stretch marks on my hips and on the back of my knees as a result).

I do not eat "junk" food, although I do eat some fatty/sugary foods from time to time and fairly large portions I guess. This means that I do not know where to focus on because my diet is already relatively healthy and full of vegetables. How can I lose weight?
I would like to lose around 10kg of fat to get to roughly 50kg. How can I go about doing this and how long will it take? Also, if I eat less and so I feel hungry, does this mean my body is going into "starvation mode" and therefore is actually storing fat rather than losing it? Also again, sorry, what would be my proportion of fat in my body and what is the usual amount? Thanks very much and sorry for the long question!!I really appreciate your help and advice! (please note, I do not wish to become anorexic or lose enough weight to the point where it is unhealthly (meaning I am not losing weight to impress anyone but myself. I just want to have the confidence to look better than I already do especially in a bikini!). Although I am not actually overweight, I do strongly feel I need to shift a lot of excess, unneeded fat) Thanks for understanding.

Hi Emily, You can't change the proportions of how your body stores fat and muscle, nor can you shift fat, but you can reduce overall fat and build new muscle to change the way you look; that will take some work on your part. To lose 10 kg, try to limit your daily caloric intake to 1500 calories per day. If you choose to eat those sugar snacks, that is your choice, just make sure you add them to your daily calorie intake. Next, you must walk or do some other "physical" activity for at least 30-45 minutes per day, everyday. A simple walk is quick and will increase your resting metabolism so you will burn more calories at rest. Sit ups, girl push ups, lifting light weights are exercises to add to the walking; try to do these types of exercises at least three times a week. These muscle stimulating exercises can shape your body and help make your body appear toned. it will take 2-3 months to lose the weight, quicker if you exercise more. Hope that helps, Laura Kraemer,Slimkids.com
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