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Could a person survive on a 100% liquid diet of meal replacement drinks that have lots of protein, essential vitamins/minerals and nutrients like Ensure or Boost for life?

Hi Ashley.
To answer your question, in theory yes. I say yes because in some cases such as those who have medical reasons that prohibit them from eating a normal diet. Products like Ensure are used to provide them a basic level of nutrition. The key word being basic. You should never strive for just basic survival, that is simply a foundation.
There is really no reason for a healthy person to survive on a diet like that. And no matter how fortified a meal replacement drink is, it will always lack something of nutritional value that can only be found in nature. and if you take a good look at the label of drinks like Ensure they lack many natural ingredients. The first 4 ingredients actually offer no nutritional value at all.

Also consider one of the major drawbacks to strict fad diets, they lack variety. After a while it is human nature to desire something different.

The best way to include protein drinks into your diet would be between meals. So in closing it is not the best of ideas to consume only liquid meal drinks as the basis for your diet.
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