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too much fruit?

if I eat three bananas and three apples every day, is that too much fruit? If so, please explain why.


that would be equivalent to 6 fruit servings. The answer to your question is

"it depends upon your total daily caloric (energy) requirements and goals "  as a balanced diet contains the appropriate amounts from each food group and macro nutrient break downs will depend partially one one's goals. For instance, I would not give the same break downs to a 30 or 40 something trying to lose or maintain weight as I would to an endurance athlete during training seasons.

In addition, if you are eating them without a protein or fat to slow down and even out  the break down of the sugars, you may find yourself craving more sugars along with experiencing insulin and blood sugar level spikes and crashes which could effect energy levels.

I wrote an article which shows healthy balanced diets for a variety of energy requirements. The macro nutrient break downs are averages for healthy adults with the goal of lean body mass preservation or gain. You can read it here Serving Sizes And Portions, Your key to life long weight management

In Health,
Dianne Villano -  MExPhys, Certified,NASM   Your Personal Body Sculpting Expert
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