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Should I seriously start thinking about weight loss?

Age: 22
Height: 5'7
Waistline: 38 inches

I've always been stocky but is this too much weight?

Yes, Devon, you should seriously start--not just thinking about weight loss--but taking some actions to get some weight off.

At your age, it isn't as difficult as it will be when you're older, and you're still young enough to get in shape before the risk of heart disease requires you be put on prescription medications.

The BMI calculated with your height and weight is 36; a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index) is 19-25

The "ideal" weight for your height is 148-162# and you are well above that.

So, it's time to do some serious thinking about your plan of action... I recommend making some small changes and give things time to establish new habits: first perhaps you can decide not to take second helpings at meals and/or not order "large" portions; you might take a 30-minute walk early in the morning and again after work. You don't need to try a crash diet and exercise program--those rarely last.
Start taking some reasonable actions to eat a well-balanced diet without excess of sugar, fat, and/or alcoholic beverages.

Let me know when you get started and how you're coming along!
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