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Im obese and ready to change

QUESTION: I'm 14 and i weigh 228 pounds and am 5 ft. 6 in. i have a yoga ball and some weights and a stretch band. i used to use it but i never saw any results so i just quite using it. I'm in summer break right now and my goal was to lose some weight in 7 weeks and go back to school looking better than i ever have. since i was born i have been over weight and i am ready to change. please help me become a better me.

ANSWER: Hi, Aerica. I am very happy that you have decided to improve your body, health, and life.

Before I can answer your question, I need to know a few things:

1. What do you eat exactly throughout the day, and how often?  

2. When do you get up and go to sleep?

3. What is your level and nature of physical activity today?

4. Are your parents overweight?  

Let me know and I will follow up.

Arkady Itkin

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 1. i eat 3 meals a day and one snack of cheese or some fruit like grapes.
2. i go to bed every day at 9 PM and i get up at 7 or 8 every morning.
3. i don't exercise, but i do clean a lot so that might count for something.
4. yes my mom and dad and brother and my grandparents on both sides.

I'm glad your willing to help me!

Aerica <3

Hello, again. Here is my preliminary advice which will make a big change for you.  

1. Have more smaller meals throughout the day (5-6) instead of fewer larger meals. This will keep your metabolism up for longer periods of time and will contribute to burning of fat.  

2. It sounds like you are sleeping way too long which might also slow down your matabolism. If you get up at 7 am in the morning, you should stay active until 11 pm or so, if possible.

3. Cleaning doesn't count for much. You must incorporate intense, cardio interval training and strength traning into your daily schedule - a training that will put a substantial stress and effort on your muscles and heart. This is essential to fat loss.   

4. Cutting down the amount of white sugar and white bread and other refined carbs will also dramatically increase your metabolism and contribute to a faster weight loss.

Thanks, and please rate me on this site. And feel free to follow up.

Arkady Itkin
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