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Too much flab

My name is Jenna, and for the past few years I've been lingering just in the obese category according to BMI calculators. I'm a 16 year old female, 5'2, 173 pounds, and wear a size 13 jeans. I want to drop into the 120s, or at least as close as possible by summer. I haven't gone swimming in years because I'm so embarrassed from my tummy flab, and I need it gone. Is there a safe but fast method to get rid of this fat? It's caused me so much grief. I also believe I eat out of boredom, if that can help in any way.

At age 16 you would want to ask your parents to stop purchasing unhealthy snacks. You will want to keep a diary of every bite you take and every drink you drink, every day. Then in your diary include your activities. I have the perfect journal for this at www.nogainnopainbook.com, called "Journal With Ease". If you do 30 minutes of walking/activity atleast 5 times a week, or take 4000 to 6000 steps a day, and make sure 50% of your intake is raw vegetables, like salads, etc, drink only water as your fluid, you can make your goal of getting down to 120 by summer. It takes consistency and good healthy choices to get you to your goal. My book No Gain No Pain, A Mindful Approach to Weight Loss Management will also help you with your mindset of gaining more self confidence and learning how to love yourself more. Your parents can be a great support to you. As far as your boredom, Create new ways of being active and even write a book about your journey. You can be a great success story. Take before and after pictures for your journal and praise yourself along the way. Good luck to you!!!
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