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Eating at night

Most of my research on this says that a calorie is just a calorie, but I have found that since I switched my work hours to days from evenings, even though I eat the same amount of calories, usually (well under 2000 which seems low but I have always had a slow metabolism not relatyed to any health issues) I am losing weight, albeit slowly.
In fact evon on my off days, if I eat a huge brunch or early supper, even if it is over 200 cals, as long as I dont eat in the evening, I wakle up 'feeling' skinnier.
Does this confirm mt theory that everyones metabolism is different, and mine slows in the evening, unlike my wife who eats more tham me and  snacks all night but remains slim.
Thanks for your thoughts!

Hi Bud,
It is true that everyone's metabolism is different to a small extent.  There are numerous studies out there that show that eating the same amount of calories in the morning is better than eating it at night but they are still not sure why.  It could be that you burn more calories by moving so eating and then going to sleep just doesn't burn the calories as well so it is probably best to eat most calories during the day and to stop eating a few hours before going to bed.  If you are trying to lose weight or are really concerned about this then your best bet is to track your activities and eating and see how many calories you are burning vs consuming.  Sometimes some people seem to eat more but are really eating more food but less calories.  Another key is to log all intake including drinks and snacks as some people can really rack up the calories without realizing it.  Good luck and I hope this helps!
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