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How soon after pregnancy can I have a Lap-Band inserted?

I was looking into the Lap-Band procedure when I found out I was pregnant. I still want the surgery after the birth of my baby via C-section. How long must I wait until it is safe to have a Lap-Band inserted?

Hi Brooke:

This is something you'd need to discuss with your OB or Nurse Midwife as well as your surgeon.  In theory, you could have your Lap-Band inserted as soon as you've recovered from your C-section... perhaps two months post-partum.  However, you have to remember that following your Lap-Band surgery, you will be limited in how much weight you can lift.  So, with a brand new baby, especially a non-mobile one (no walking/crawling), that could make caring for your little one very difficult.  Also, your surgery would most likely require you to spend at least one night in the hospital--also separating you from your little one at a very difficult time.  Finally, if you are breastfeeding, you would also want to wait until nursing is well-established and you were able to pump enough milk to sustain your baby while you were in the hospital.  Honestly, I would not feel comfortable recommending any bariatric surgery (even a Lap-Band or Sleeve Gastrectomy) until at least 4-6 months post-partum.  If you have a good support system at home to help with child care, and are able to store enough milk, your surgeon may feel comfortable operating sooner.  But really, in the scheme of things, two or three months is not going to make a big difference long-term regarding your weight, but it could make a difference for your newborn.

I know it's difficult to put your weight loss dreams on hold for a few months, but know that you will most likely lose some weight post-partum regardless... especially if you breastfeed.  If you work with your surgeon to have regular fills for your Lap-Band, no doubt you will be much thinner by the time your baby celebrates his/her first birthday.

Hope this helps,
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