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Referral process

Hi Dawn,

I am looking for a bariatric surgen/ clinic in ontario that does not require a referal from my family doctor. I am close friends with my doctor and know she would not be supportive of my desire to explore the route of bariatric surgery. any help would be appreciated.

You will need a doctor to fill out your form for the referral. You can have any doctor do it
if you have a specialist. Have you even tried with your doctor? A referral doesn't mean she necessarily has to agree.  She just writes the facts down.

I would give it a try with your family doctor. You can bring the OHIP report with you that discusses why OHIP is doing bariatric surgery.   Here's some links worth printing out.




Give it a try with your doctor. If not, find another doctor. Even in a community that has a doctor shortage, there are doctors. You just need to know where to look.

Where are you located?  I can maybe refer you to your local support group. They might be a valuable source of info for you in regards to referring doctors.

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