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Post-op gastric bypass 1999

I had a Roux-en-Y in 1999. I have been having stomach issues for the past 5 years. I recently had a EGD performed which showed the food is not staying in the stomach and is passing straight through into the small intestine. Is there anything that I should be doing? I also have put on 60#.

None of what you're describing makes much sense to me.  If food is not staying in the stomach, you should be getting little nutritional advantage from it.

I'm glad that you explain that you've been having tests because that indicates that your physician is involved.

Since I am not a doctor, I cannot help as much as your doctor can.  Wish I could give some advice from my own perspective as a gastric bypass success story, but I can't.

Please continue to work with your doctor and consult another physician for a second opinion.  But don't give up; there is a doctor somewhere out there that can help you.

Good luck and God bless,
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