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Testimonial from David Carlson

Testimonial from David Carlson

Testimonial from David Carlson

I just wanted to write a testimonial about your company. I have to say that the results I have seen have been phenomenal!! I am about to start my 8th week and to date I have lost the twenty pounds I was shooting for. It was difficult at first getting accustomed to "Normal" portion sizes, but after about two weeks it was a "Piece of Cake". The food was excellent, the weekly information included in my food shipments was both interesting and very informative and calls to your company are really answered by ....PEOPLE!!

I believe you have done much more for me than just losing the weight, you have really educated me about not only what to eat, but also how much. I believe I can fly out of my nest now and take care of myself. It was comforting to know that you can also tailor a program going forward if I should need it.

Thanks to all of you at bistroMD!!


-David Carlson
Tucson, AZ

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