Name: Lori
Age: 48
Family Status: Married
Occupation: Homemaker
Hometown: Layton, Utah
Height: 5’2″
Starting Weight: 298 pounds
Current Weight: 148 pounds
Current Waist Size: 30″
Lori’s Weight Loss Interview!
How much did you lose?
I lost 150 pounds and 51 total inches! I went from a size 30 in jeans to a size 6/8!
When did you become unhappy with your weight?
I had always had a weight problem, from the time I was a child. I tried many times to lose weight and sometimes I was successful, but I always went back to my bad habits and the weight came back on.
Lori was featured in First for Women Magazine!
What made you decide to lose weight?
I can’t share my story without including my husband Ed, because if it wasn’t for him and the changes he made, I don’t think I would ever have been able to do it on my own. We were watching Bill Maher one night and listened to an interview with Dr. David Kessler, who was promoting his book, “The End of Overeating“. Ed thought that it sounded interesting and ordered it. The book addresses people’s addiction to salt, sugar and fat and explains why we overeat and how we can make healthy changes in our lives.
After reading the book, my husband started making small changes each day. He began walking for exercise, paying attention to his portions and watching the kinds of foods he was eating. He began losing weight and had more energy. At first I was angry, not at my husband, but at myself. I felt that losing weight was hopeless and that I would never be able to lose 100 plus pounds. It was so overwhelming and discouraging. Finally, I confided in Ed about my fears and he told me that he would support me in my efforts and that we could do it together.
The first couple of months were very difficult, but I took it one day at a time. About this time, our son, Kyle, decided to make some healthy changes as well. I joined the gym that Kyle belonged to and started walking on the treadmill, four days a week for 15 minutes each session. I had not exercised in years and it was so hard to make myself get on that treadmill, but seeing my son walk by and give me a thumbs up was motivation to keep going. I slowly got stronger and the weight steadily came off.
I decided to try some different forms of exercise and found Leslie Sansone on Exercise TV. It was so fun to find a workout that I could do at home that included strength training. It took me two years to lose 150 pounds and I have maintained my weight loss for nearly 4 years. Kyle lost 90 pounds and is now a competitive bodybuilder! Ed lost 140 pounds in about 18 months and he has maintained as well.
Ed and I follow a plant-based way of eating with lots of fresh veggies, fruit, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds. In the beginning we ate lean animal protein, but lost our taste for meat and replaced animal products with tofu, soy/wheat protein products and almond/soy milk.
I switch between walking outside and working out with Leslie, 6 days a week. I was very fortunate to meet Leslie and was included as her special guest in the cool down portion of the 5 Mega Miles DVD. I also filmed my story in New York City, along with 25 other amazing people, in May of 2014 for Leslie’s Miracle Miles infomercial that was just recently released. We have had some amazing opportunities come our way with sharing our weight loss story which include:
We love sharing our story and inspiring others. I’ve had people tell me that they wish they could lose weight, but it’s too hard. I look at it like this: being unhealthy and not being able to walk up my stairs without stopping to catch my breath was hard. Having borderline high blood pressure and facing the fact that I would need medication to control it in the near future, was hard. Not being able to find clothes to fit me was hard. Not fitting in booths or chairs at restaurants and movie theaters was hard. The list goes on and on. Change is possible and each of us are so much stronger than we think we are, both mentally and physically. It takes hard work to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle, but the rewards are truly amazing!
What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
Completely changing my lifestyle. Not seeing an end in sight to this way of life and knowing that in order to be successful, this was the way it was going to have to be.
What was the most challenging thing you had to deal with during your weight loss journey?
Making healthy eating and exercise a habit.
How long did it take you to start to see results?
A couple of weeks.
How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
Two years.
How long have you maintained your weight loss and what are the most important factors for keeping it off?
It will be 4 years in April. The key factor for keeping it off was learning that food is for fueling my body and that I can control food, it does not have to control me.
What keeps you motivated to continue your weight loss success?
I love being healthy! I love all the energy I have and I love the fact that by taking responsibility for my health, I have been able to bring all my lab results down into the levels where they are supposed to be. My doctor recently told me that if more patients would do what I have done, she would not have to prescribe nearly the amount of medications that she does. We are going to be first-time Grandparents in March and I am so excited that I will be able to run and play with my granddaughter!
How has your life changed now that you have lost weight?
I have a lap now and I can cross my legs! I can buy clothes in any store now and no longer have to order them online. I can run up the stairs in my home which are the same stairs that I used to have to stop and catch my breath on, halfway up. I look forward to the future instead of fearing sickness.
Do you have any advice for others who are trying to lose weight?
Start slow! Don’t go out and walk 5 miles the first day. Start making healthy habits that you can live with for the rest of your life. Park farther away at the grocery store, take the stairs instead of the elevator, buy more fruits and vegetables. Eat REAL food, not processed food. Get excited to be healthy! Join some supportive groups that are also working towards the same goal. Each day is a new day and the opportunity to move forward. YOU have the power to change!
How did ShapeFit help you reach your weight loss goals?
I love reading ShapeFit’s weight loss success stories! They really help inspire and motivate me to continue my healthy lifestyle.
Lori’s Weight Loss Tips!
Weight Loss Tip #1:
Drink 64 ounces of water a day.
Weight Loss Tip #2:
Fill up on those veggies!
Weight Loss Tip #3:
Think of food as fuel for your body.
Weight Loss Tip #4:
Really watch your portions. Use the palm of your hand as guidance for proteins, rice, potatoes, etc.
Weight Loss Tip #5:
Don’t use fad diets. It all comes down to healthy eating, portion control and exercise. It really is that simple!
Lori’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!
What do you normally eat for breakfast?
Shredded wheat topped with fruit and almond milk, coffee.
What do you normally eat for lunch?
I almost always have leftovers from the night before, along with a piece of homemade bread topped with hummus or jam.
What do you normally eat for dinner?
Roasted veggies, some type of protein, (tofu, tempeh, seitan, beans). Tonight I am making marinated tempeh over rice, roasted squash and steamed carrots.
What do you normally eat for snacks?
Bananas, raw nuts, veggies.
What type of nutritional supplements do you take?
Vitamin B-12.
Lori’s Weight Loss Workouts!
What do you do for weight training (exercises, workouts)?
Leslie Sansone “Walk at Home” DVDs and I use the strength training equipment that you can get with the DVDs (hand weights, firm bands, cables).
What do you do for cardio training (exercises, workouts)?
Leslie Sansone “Walk at Home” DVDs along with walking outside.
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