Name: Johnnye
Age: 67
Family Status: Widowed
Occupation: Founder of Staffing Agency
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Height: 5’6″
Starting Weight: 305 pounds
Current Weight: 140 pounds
Current Waist Size: Size 6
Johnnye’s Weight Loss Interview!
How much did you lose?
I lost 165 pounds! I was a size 26 and now I am a size 6! I have kept the weight off for 8 years.
When did you become unhappy with your weight?
I was overweight as a child but I became the class clown and l had lots of friends over the years.
Johnnye was featured in First for Women magazine!
What made you decide to lose weight?
I was killing myself with food. I had type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and acid reflux. I couldn’t get down on the floor to play with my grandchildren and I couldn’t sit in booths at restaurants. I couldn’t lift my leg high enough to get in some automobiles and my mother had full-blown diabetes. She wouldn’t watch her diet and I used to complain to her all the time. I felt like I was a hypocrite and doing the same thing to myself. I was humiliated when I had to ask for an extension for a seat belt!
What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
I am off all my medications now! Every one of my medical problems was due to being overweight. At the age of 67 (soon to be 68) I feel amazing that I’m finally off all my meds! I walk 10,000 steps a day and I can play with my grandchildren. I can also ride a roller coaster and finally fit into a booth. I ran a 5K marathon on Thanksgiving! I’m free to live my life now!
What was the most challenging thing you had to deal with during your weight loss journey?
Actually, once I finally realized I was killing myself with food I really didn’t have any challenges. I sailed right through the program and my family and friends were very supportive of me.
How long did it take you to start to see results?
I reached my goal weight in less than a year. In three months of starting my journey I had lost 50 pounds!
How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
It took about 10 months.
How long have you maintained your weight loss and what are the most important factors for keeping it off?
I have maintained my weight loss for 8 years! Eating more vegetables, fruit and protein is very important. Staying away from fried foods and watching my carbohydrate intake is also key. Weighing myself daily and keeping a diary of my weight loss journey about what I eat on a daily basis is also extremely beneficial! And of course walking is a major factor!
What keeps you motivated to continue your weight loss success?
To maintain good health. Being free of medication and being free from humiliation are important. To live longer and enjoy life is the key. I can travel and walk now. I can even run if I choose to! Wanting to see my grandchildren grow up is a major motivating factor for keeping the weight off.
How has your life changed now that you have lost weight?
I’m a totally new person now! My choices are not limited because of my weight any longer. I am free to go and do what I want.
Do you have any advice for others who are trying to lose weight?
Yes! Accountability was the key for me. Believe in yourself and never give up. If I can do it at 67 years old and keep it off then others can too!
How did ShapeFit help you reach your weight loss goals?
Reading several different health and fitness articles on was very helpful!
Johnnye’s Weight Loss Tips!
Weight Loss Tip #1:
Low carbs work for me.
Weight Loss Tip #2:
Keep a record of what you eat daily.
Weight Loss Tip #3:
Drink lots of water.
Weight Loss Tip #4:
Weight Loss Tip #5:
Don’t go past four hours between eating a meal.
Johnnye’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!
What do you normally eat for breakfast?
It varies on different mornings: poached egg, slice of sprout bread, 1/2 avocado and 1/2 grapefruit.
What do you normally eat for lunch?
I usually have a salad for lunch.
What do you normally eat for dinner?
Some protein with a salad and vegetables.
What do you normally eat for snacks?
I like snacking on fruit and yogurt.
What type of nutritional supplements do you take?
I currently do not take any nutritional supplements.
Johnnye’s Weight Loss Workouts!
What do you do for weight training?
I haven’t started weight training yet.
What do you do for cardio training?
I love walking for my cardio!
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