Before going on summer vacation many people are trying to reduce their weight by a quick weight loss diet. There are many diets which claim they can help to reduce your weight in a very short time. Only well researched and tested weight loss diets will give you solid results. Unfortunately, many programs aren’t fit for the job, they called fad diets. The main idea of most of these diets is to decrease the food intake drastically. But before human body starts burning fat in large amounts, it starts to dehydrate and to decrease muscle tissues. The effect of dehydration is a well-known biochemical and physical effect. Dehydration is a drop of the weight without burning any extra body fat.
The best weight loss diet is a combination of a diet and increased participation in sports activities. But the change in the habits has to continue even after finishing the diet. In most professional diets this is called stabilization phase. During this phase, the human body is trained to eat more than during the diet but not that much to gain weight again. Especially after staying on one of the quick weight loss diets, the person should be very careful not to gain extra pounds. This is so-called yo-yo effect and it is one of the biggest risks after diets. To prevent this effect, people need to restrict the food intake and not to return to their old habits.
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