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Anti-Cellulite Diet – Get Rid Of Cellulite In Just 7 Days !

Anti-cellulite diet consists of easily digestible foods beneficial for the body, and also helpful in the elimination of toxins from the organism. Today we present you a seven-day anti-cellulite diet.


Day 1

Breakfast: Yogurt, young cheese, whole grain bread
Snack: Fruit of fruit juice
Lunch: Potato salad and grilled fish, whole grain bread or rye bread
Snack: Fruit or fruit juice
Dinner: Steam-cooked vegetables, chicken breasts, salad, rye bread

Day 2

Breakfast: Muesli and low fat milk
Snack: almonds
Lunch: Cabbage stew, lean meat and beets salad
Snack: White coffee
Dinner: Steam-cooked vegetables, chicken breasts, salad, rye bread

Day 3

Breakfast: Carrot juice, black coffee
Snack: Unsalted sunflower seeds
Lunch: Cauliflower salad, some chicken, rye bread
Snack: Fruit or fruit juice
Dinner: Yogurt, rye bread, salad

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