If you have been paying attention to the health buzz over the past few years you might be familiar with the detox diet. Health experts from all around the world have extolled the health benefits of detoxification but what most people think of when they hear the word “detox” is strange and terrible tasting food, painful withdrawal symptoms, hunger and colon cleansing.
But there are actually some detox methods that aren’t just bearable, they are actually pretty fun and delicious. If you want to get rid of some fast really fast and make your body infinitely healthier, there is a detox recipe that will give you results in just seven days.
Why We Need to Detox
If you aren’t sure that you actually should detox and what the reasons are behind it, you’re not alone. People are only now starting to realize the benefit of detoxing.
There are a few reasons that you should do it however, particularly if you experience any of the symptoms that point to an overload of toxins. For example: if you are always tired and have no energy, cannot seem to think or concentrate and have trouble getting up in the morning these could be warning signs.
You should also be concerned if you can’t seem to lose weight or lose it consistently or if you have sudden and extremely potent food cravings for sugars, carbohydrates or other addictive foods.
Benefits of the Detox
Other than burning fat and losing weight there are a number of benefits do doing a detoxification.Detoxing can get rid of some of the harmful fats in your body and even give your immune system some help.
Detoxing can help you get back your energy and wake up feeling happy and excited about the day. Here is a recipe for an amazing drink that can burn fat and speed up your metabolism and help you shed some pounds in just seven days.
What You’ll Need
How you prepare it
Simply mix everything listed in a large pitcher and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, remove the solid substances through the use of a colander and serve the drink with or without ice.
Why it’s Effective
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