Scientists now know that just by imagining something it can be helped into reality.
To change by visualising what you want to achieve is today an accepted part of life coaching and mental training, not to mention in sports psychology!
Check that any weight loss program you are looking at includes this technique!
That the technique works very well is illustrated by an interesting experiment done in Finland some years ago - two teams of basket ball were compared.
One team practised playing several days a week with their coach, in the "usual" way.
The other team used the non playing days to visualise a match. The players imagined - visualised - every move in a match.
I'll let you guess which team performed best .... when they played "for real" the team that had "imagined" games in their minds, did much better than the other team!
If you really, really desire something, you are more likely to work for it - provided of course that it is something that is possible - if you really, really anchor the desired outcome in your mind. Simply put, if you go around thinking " I can't lose weight, I'm useless", you are probably going to find it very hard to lose weight ...
Life coaches and psychologists know that what is in your subconscious will affect you a lot, even though you are not aware of it.
If you are plagued by negative thinking from your own mind, or from the reactions of friends and family to your plans to lose weight, go ahead and visualise yourself at your desired weight as often as you can.
For best results, do this every morning and every evening. When you wake up, close your eyes and firmly fix an image in your mind of how you want to see yourself.
If you have a photograph of yourself at your ideal weight, look at that and try to keep the image in your inner mind all day.
During the day think of yourself as if you were at your ideal weight already. Make up your own positive affirmations, repeat them often - and keep them in the present tense. Do not think I will be slimmer" - instead think I am slimmer" ...
Enjoy the feeling of loving yourself! You will find that your life will be happier, even though you may still be a bit overweight. Over time this will make it easier to stick to your weight loss program.
Even using the most effective weight loss program, slimming is of course a gradual process. The truly wonderful thing about visualisation is that you will have a new body image straight away and this will make your life easier, and yourself happier, right here and now!
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