Obesity incidences among American children have dangerously climbed from 5% in the 1980s to 15.3% in 2000. Studies reveal that childhood obesity is likely to continue on to adulthood which translates into higher risks of obesity related diseases.
While many diet programs, exercises and drug therapy combat obesity with much needed fierce commitment, some fight child obesity at beginning with prevention. There is a marked connection with child nutrition and obesity.
If the factors concerning the prevalence of obesity are to be studied separately, the primary concern would be food and nutrition. Obesity partially relies on the nutritive factor of a subject's food intake. A child requires a chunk load of nutrition as it grows but are we truly giving them what they need? Again it must be made aware that child nutrition and obesity are related in such a way that poor nutrition leads to obesity.
The concern of child nutrition and obesity originates from excessive eating and no or minimum exercise. Most of the excess food eaten by kids or even adults are the famed high- calorie and high-fat foods that no matter how dangerous they are to our health, there're still there.
To begin a good fight against child obesity, we must be armed with the right nutrition for children. Remember that growing kids require a good amount of energy from a well balanced diet. The basics of the food groups now prevails. Child nutrition must consist of fiber, vitamins and mineral content, carbohydrates and protein. High fiber is best sourced from whole wheat and other grains.
This is also very important to an overweight or obese child. This type requires a good bulk of fiber in his/her system to help lose the excess weight. A child's nutrition is never complete without the 5-times-a-day serving of fruit and a similar serving of vegetables accompanied by dairy products, fish and the occasional red meat.
If you now recall your old health class lectures, this is the basic nutrition required to maintain a healthy body. we are simply returning to a tweaked version of the basic nutrition requirements. an overweight or obese child's nutrition also require a low-carbohydrate and low-fat intake. Remember that the excess calories and fat are major contributors to obesity. Also increase the amount of antioxidants that help flush out what needs to come out.
You should be able to determine what lacked in the child's nutrition before the diet. Once you know them and realize the impact of child nutrition and obesity, you'll be able to provide a child's proper nutrition. Lessen what isn't necessary and increase what is needed. This may be a small piece of the puzzle but it generates significant changes in the battle between child nutrition and obesity.
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